Thank you, at we appreciate the effort and time our customers put in organizing, packing, and shipping their originals. Below are a few helpful tips to ensure that your originals arrive safely.
Slides in their original carousel or container:
To cut down on shipping costs, we suggest that you remove the slides from
their carousel and follow the tips below. However, it is not a problem if
you would just rather ship the slides in their carousel. If you would like
them saved with a group file name and in a folder, please label the
outside of the box. We will scan the slides from first to last and make sure
to place them back in the same order. This also applies to slides that are
stored in plastic containers/boxes.
Loose slides:
If you have loose slides, just bundle them in their groups and wrap them in
rubber bands. Place the grouped slides into a ziploc bag (the plastic bags
protects slides from moisture or any debris that could land on the slide
surface). Also, old aluminum foil or saran wrap boxes make an excellent
container for loose slides.
If you have any question, you may always contact us at
Cleaning Photos
You don't necessarily need to clean your photos from dust or debris. To
protect our scanning equipment, we clean all photos. For fingerprints, or
spills, we use a lint-free cloth; for dust and debris, we use compressed air
to clean.
Drop Off
When you are ready, give us a call or email to arrange a drop off time.
Packing Slides for Shipment
This is an important step. You must ensure that you use boxes designed for
shipping. Shoe boxes or department store boxes are not recommended.
Once Your Slides Arrive
When we receive your originals, we will email you a quote and a sample scan
for your review. Once you approve, we will complete the rest of the order.
Billing is due once project is complete. Upon final payment your discs and
all originals are shipped back. For more info on How It Works,
click here.
Example of Proper Packing:
PO Box 137 (Post)
Virgil, ON
L0S 1T0