Thank you, at we appreciate the effort and time our customers put in organizing, packing, and shipping their originals. Below are a few helpful tips to ensure that your originals arrive safely.
Group and Label
We scan from first to last, so place your photos in such an order in a labeled folder. A basic envelope holds about 25, 4x6 photos. For 8x10 images, you'll need a 8x11 envelope, which holds about 15-20 photos. Or you can bind your photos with an elastic and a shoe box holds about
700, 4x6 photos.
Photos in a Album?
We recommend that you remove all photos from your albums. We understand that this could be a hassle, however the less the photos are handled, the better the chance they are not marked up or damaged.
We do offer this service for a fee. Photos will not be replaced in the
Cleaning Photos
You don't necessarily need to clean your photos from dust or debris. To protect our scanning equipment, we clean all photos. For fingerprints, or spills, we use a lint-free cloth;. for dust and debris, we use compressed air
to clean.
If you have any question, you may always contact us at
Saving Groups of Photos with a Specific Name
If you want groups of photos saved under a certain name, please note it down. What some customers do is, they will insert a 3x5 index card with the name they want it saved as.
Drop Off
When you are ready, give us a call or email to arrange a drop off time.
Packing Photos for Shipment
Once your photos are organized, place them in a shoe box and preferably in a plastic or ziploc bag. Make sure to place them in a box designed for shipping to ensure the ends don't get bent.
Once Your Photos Arrive
When we receive your originals, we will email you a quote and a sample
scan for your review. Once you approve, we will complete the rest of the order. Billing is due once
project is complete. Upon final payment your discs and all originals are shipped back. For more info on How It Works,
click here.
Example of Proper Packing:
PO Box 137 (Post)
Virgil, ON
L0S 1T0